Broad Topics Covered:
Topics to be covered in the lectures include coordinate systems used in astronomical observations, constellations of stars and naked eye astronomy, physical parameters of the celestial objects, evolution of stars, interstellar matter, galaxies and the cosmological aspects related to the origin of the universe. Recommended Books / References:
- Universe – Kauffmann and Freedman
- Atlas of the Universe – Patrick Moore
- Astronomy – Roy and Clarke
Classroom Sessions:
The classroom sessions will be lectures delivered for each topic as per a set time-table. Each lecture will be delivered by a subject expert in that topic. The mode of presentation will be through powerpoint slides and whiteboard. The students are encouraged to make thier own notes during the lectures. The medium of instruction will be in English.
Practical Activities:
Activity sessions, demonstrating the fundamental concepts, will be held after classroom sessions. Students will be given an activity book and completing it is considered as a part of their coursework.
Projects / Assignments:
The enrolled students are required to submit the assignments as per a questionnaire, which will be given to them during the coursework.
Field Trips:
Students will be given an exposure to skywatch during the period of the course.